How Long Should a Gaming Chair Last?

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Your gaming chair is one of the most important pieces of equipment you could have in your arsenal.

The comfort and immersive experience it provides are what bring any game to a whole new level.

Still, there may be cases when your gaming chair falls short of supporting you in your battles. After all, gaming chairs are immortal.

So, if you’re wondering how long should a gaming chair last, we’re here to answer that for you.

More importantly, we’ll also help you figure out how you can prolong its lifespan.

How Long Should a Gaming Chair Last?

How short or long a gaming chair lasts depends on different factors.

If you want a rough estimate, though, you can expect your gaming chair to last you anywhere from two to three years.

Of course, this is significantly affected by the material used to make it and how careful you are when using it.

If it is made with poor-quality leather, cushion, alloy, or other types of metal, then it may only last for a maximum of one year.

The same result occurs when you don’t maintain it properly.

On the other hand, if you know how to take care of it, and you really invested money into buying top-tier quality, then it should last you for five years or more.

The good thing about it is that you can always buy replacement parts if some of the original materials show signs of wear and tear.

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Gaming Chair Maintenance

If you have the chance to choose, we’re sure you want your gaming chair to last for as long as it can.

Well, then, the key is to learn how to take proper care of it.

To maintain your gaming chair and keep enjoying all the benefits you can get from it, be sure to follow these steps.

Step 1: Identify the upholstery.

Gaming chairs are made with all sorts of materials, but the most common ones are mesh, fabric, PU, and PVC leather used by top chairs such as the Cougar Armor Titan Gaming Chair.

Before anything else, you will want to figure out which one of these is used to manufacture your gaming chair.

The answer would help you determine the kind of cleaning techniques and solutions to implement.

If you’re not sure, check the user’s manual or search the internet for information.

Once you’ve determined your gaming chair’s upholstery, you can proceed with the second step.

Step 2: Vacuum.

Mesh and fabric upholstery are usually the two materials that gather the most dust and dirt.

You will need a brush attachment on your vacuum to remove anything that has stuck to your chair.

On the other hand, you will find that dust and dirt don’t usually penetrate any type of leather.

If your chair’s upholstery is made with this material, use a microfiber cloth and give it a wipe down instead of vacuuming it.

Step 3: Use a water or solvent solution.

The next step is to remove any stain on your gaming chair and disinfect it.

This step is where you will need a water or solvent solution to clean each part of the chair.

Most gaming chairs include a care tag indicating the type of solution you should use to clean them.

If yours has an “S” mark, you need a solution based on solvent when cleaning it.

In comparison, be sure to use water-based solutions for gaming chairs with a “W” mark.

If the care tag shows an “S/W” mark, you can use either of these solutions.

You need to strictly follow this because using a strong solution on your gaming chair will ruin the material.

how long should a gaming chair last tips

Step 4: Focus on the stains.

In some cases, a solvent- or water-based solution may not be enough to remove stains.

This is especially true if they have been there for quite some time.

Here is when you need to bring out a stronger chemical, like rubbing alcohol.

Pour a generous amount on a cotton ball but make sure it doesn’t damage the material before you wipe it onto the stain.

Test how the material reacts to it by rubbing the cotton on the underside or any part that’s not exposed or often seen.

If the material gets damaged, it is best not to use alcohol at all.

Step 5: Remove washable parts.

Perhaps the easiest part of maintaining your gaming chair is washing the armrest, wheelbase, and casters.

First, you want to remove all of these parts and put them in a large container.

However, if your armrest has a cushion and leather cover, make sure not to include it.

After separating them, fill the container with warm water mixed with detergent or dish soap.

Use a soft sponge or brush to gently remove any debris that might have gotten stuck on the material.

Then, rinse each part thoroughly and wipe it dry with a clean cloth or leave them out to dry.

Step 6: Reassemble.

Once every part of your gaming chair is cleaned, reassemble it and give it another general wipe down.

Be sure to tighten all the screws and bolts before going back to your game.

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Mistakes to Avoid When Using a Gaming Chair

It is not enough that you know how long should a gaming chair last; you will want to learn how to use it the right way too.

In taking care of your gaming chair, you don’t just need to learn how to clean it.

You also want to understand what to avoid to keep it in top condition.

Some gaming chairs meet their early demise simply because of carelessness and indifference.

We don’t want that to happen to you, so we prepared this quick list of things you need to avoid.

1. Eating while gaming

One of the most common mistakes people make is sitting on their gaming chair while eating.

No matter how careful you are, the risk of accidentally spilling or dropping food onto your chair is just not worth it.

When this happens, and you don’t clean it immediately, the smell of the food on your chair will soon attract insects.

Then, sooner or later, bacteria and all sorts of problems will destroy your gaming chair.

For this reason, make sure that you use a different chair when you eat.

2. Sleeping in your gaming chair

We know how you just want to get a good sleep or a quick nap after an exhausting day of gaming.

However, it would be to the best of your interest if you lay down on your bed instead.

Sleeping on your gaming chair will cause a strain on the tilting mechanism.

Furthermore, you may also end up putting too much weight on the armrests.

If any of these things happen, your gaming chair will not be as comfortable as before.

3. Neglecting maintenance

Probably the worst mistake you could ever make is to forego maintenance.

Regardless of how much it was when you bought it, constant use will inevitably decrease its quality.

If anything, the only way to prevent this from happening quicker than it should is to do regular maintenance.

Cleaning your gaming chair at least once a month will not only benefit the chair but yourself as well.

After all, being hygienic with your stuff, especially those that you use regularly, will guarantee your safety from bacteria.


Turning your gaming console or PC on and playing video games is one of the best outlets for relaxation.

In this modern day and age, we use it to unwind and detach from our busy schedules, if only for a moment.

If these short whiles are all we have, we might as well maximize it, right?

That’s why you need to guarantee that your gaming chair will be with you for a long time.

Just like with any furniture, proper maintenance is the key.