How To Organize Your Gaming Desk for a Neat and Clutter-Free Gaming Area

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Have you spent days and long hours playing games?

You may have ended up having piles of paper, food, and cups on your desk after a gaming session.

While this is a typical situation for many, having a clean gaming area improves your mood.

If you’re planning on sparing some time to clean your game station, we are here to help.

We prepared a list of easy steps to teach you how to organize your gaming desk.

These are sure-fire ways to get you an arrangement that will improve your game performance.

How To Organize Your Gaming Desk

A disorganized and dirty playing area will impact your performance no matter how nice your gaming gear and PC Gaming Desk accessories are.

If your desk is full of clutter, you have to deal with restricted and limited movements.

Dirt will also have an effect on your gear and equipment.

So if you want to revamp your gaming arrangement, read on the following tips. 

Tip #1: Start With a Gaming Table

Those who have experienced playing at a gaming table can compare the difference.

While standard office desks can provide enough area, gaming tables take you to a whole new level.

These desks provide optimal comfort for gamers who play long hours.

These also have unique features that offer convenience and accessibility.

If you do not have one yet, you can try checking out several options in stores or online.

Gaming desks allow the best arrangement for varying organized and practical setups.

Tip #2: Clear Your Desk

Before you do the actual cleaning of your desk, you should take away the clutter first.

It can be extra cups, plates, napkins, wrappers, mugs, or other things not related to gaming.

After removing all these items, you can then get your cleaning equipment.

It can simply be a spray with soapy water and a microfiber cloth or a commercially available cleaning solution for computers.

Spray a bit onto the fabric and wipe surfaces with it.

If you find stains that are difficult to remove, you can use multi-surface cleaners.

Sometimes, gamers only use dusters to remove dirt, but it won't clean it effectively.

You can also keep a keyboard dust brush to keep them clean regularly. 

Tip #3: Fix and Manage Your Cables

A comprehensive gaming setup usually has a lot of cables dangling around.

These cables can affect your gaming experience and serve as an eyesore.

If you find yourself stuck in the same situation, you can start by organizing them.

Sometimes, you will need some help from cable clips or other cable management products.

If you don’t have any of these around, you can use zip-ties to secure them. 

Some people even use staple guns to manage their wires.

Cords will definitely look neater and make your gaming or streaming area look nicer.

Tip #4: Try a Different Layout

This part will entail a lot of work, but the outcome will definitely be worth it.

Sometimes, a change in the area can boost the mood and atmosphere.

There are a lot of things that you can do. 

First, set your monitors in a more comfortable arrangement.

Make sure to position them at eye level to avoid straining your back and neck.

This also guarantees better posture despite long hours of sitting and playing. 

Next, check out essential items on your desk and set them aside.

Step back a bit and think of better placements.

Position them in a manner where they are within your reach and at a comfortable height.

This facilitates proper body mechanics and lessens the times you need to stretch out to reach for something. 

If your desk has more room and looks bare, you can add other items to decorate it, such as small picture frames, figurines, and small plant pots.

Just remember to keep them small, so they don’t get in the way of your gaming. 

Another good way to freshen up the area would be to change its location.

Though this may not be applicable to many, relocating your desk can work.

RELATED: Setup Ideas for Your Gaming Desk

how to organize your gaming desk

Tip #5: Put Add-ons

You may be satisfied with your gaming setup, but certain add-ons will surprise you.

These will definitely spice up any type of arrangement.

Here are some good examples: 

  • Headphones Hanger or Hook

If you are using headphones, you can agree that they take up a lot of space in the table.

Fortunately, there are headphone hooks and hangers available in stores.

You can have them installed on your desks to allow more room for you.

  • Cup Holders

Some gaming desks already have an integrated cup holder.

But if you don’t have it yet, you can get one to give room for your cups.

This also adds to your gaming equipment’s protection because it prevents accidental spills.

You also get to enjoy having a drink while you play.

  • Speaker Mounts or Stands

If your desk doesn’t have enough room, you can opt for speaker mounts or stands.

You can mount them off your main desk area and always choose the height for mounting.

  • Gaming Controller Mounts

Sometimes, it can be stressful to organize game controllers, especially when they are not in use.

To get this off your mind, you can get mounts for them.

  • Monitor Mounts

If you find yourself stuck with limited space, you can get monitor stands and mounts.

They let you raise your monitor while making more room for storage.

Some monitor stands have organization features.

These usually allow you to put books, notebooks, cables, chargers, and other things.

  • Lighting

If you don’t have one yet, you can invest in lighting.

It can be a desk lamp or the latest RGB lighting scheme.

This will amp up your space and make it more fun to play in.

Tip #6: Put a Trash Bin Near You

Sometimes, gaming desks become cluttered because of trash, such as wrappers from chips and excess papers.

To minimize the chances of your desk being filled with trash, you can place a bin near you.

You can easily discard trash there instead of keeping them on your table. 

Tip #7: Plan Regular Maintenance

After cleaning and organizing your desk, the next step is to plan.

Maintaining a clutter-free area entails a proper cleaning regimen.

Some people schedule it daily, while others do it on the weekends.

You can do it once a week, twice a month, or in any frequency you prefer.

Tip #8: Evaluate Regularly

As you grow to love your gaming area, you might eventually add more things to it.

You can also get tired of playing in the same arrangement.

It is a good idea to schedule a time for re-evaluating your game station.

You can choose to do it every month or every quarter.

This will allow you to see other changes or upgrades you can make to improve your experience.

This can also be a time for you to create personalized touches.

If you feel that your latest setup is too bulky, several PC builds are compact but quirky.

Having a Neat and Organized Gaming Desk

An ideal gaming arrangement isn’t solely focused on having the most up-to-date gear, accessories, or equipment.

It isn’t all about the flashy lighting or expensive gaming desks.

Most of the time, it is a clean area where you can play comfortably.

Having a well-organized space that is free of clutter can improve game performance and enjoyment.

If you are thinking of ways to organize your gaming desk, make sure to try our pointers on how to organize your gaming desk.

These will work wonders on your mood, ambiance, atmosphere, and performance.